The Backpacker

The Backpacker "SKIER'S CHECKLIST"

The Backpacker team is able to promise our travelers 'ski trips done right' because we've spent over 45 years traveling from South Louisiana to the slopes of Colorado! We use this experience to make sure you spend your vacation doing what you love and not worrying about the details.

One of the most important parts of a successful ski trip is having the right ski gear! This is why we've created this checklist to help ensure each member of your group doesn't leave anything behind. We know it's so useful, that we give one to each and every Backpacker Tours traveler.

When you shop in our stores, our team will use this checklist to help you decide between gloves and mittens, how to properly fit your helmet, and the fool proof way to keep your socks and underwear from freezing!

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Click the checklist for a printable version!
Contact us for a free trip consultation or quote!